Pink Women rule Sweatshirt

Pink Women rule T-Shirt

The Women Rule T-Shirt!

The "Women Rule!" T-Shirt!

This T-Shirt in it's box with a card and bow will be received or given to someone special by you for only $19.95!

This T-Shirt is becoming an important tool and a thing of beauty in support of the "Women's Respect Movement" which is needed around the world. So please participate! Place your order now to participate in the "Women's Respect Movement". Wear your Pink T-Shirt or Sweatshirt which says, "Women Rule With Beauty and Brains, we VOTE" everywhere you go! Yours will be a silent and more classy demonstration of reality from a feminine POV. You don't necessarily have to go Marching or Publicly Protesting! "DEMONSTRATE" your feminine intelligence by wearing your Pink Women Rule T-Shirt or Sweatshirt just like women and girls all over the world are starting to do! "DEMONSTRATE" to everyone that you really do know what women do to Rule the World, which is to just appear beautiful in the eyes of men. Your shirt demonstrates how women do this by just using their heads and not muscles or force! By allowing your BEAUTY and BRAINS to speak for you and possibly making a profit for yourself, by selling a few shirts, is using your head! If you should decide to go out in the public "Demonstrating", by wearing your shirt. Take along a dozen or so shirts with you, which you can buy at a discounted price from, SEND-A-SHIRT.COM. Sell them at their normal Retail Price and letting your shirt sell itself while you wear it!

Only intelligent men who really do know women will wear or sell this shirt. They know that what the shirt says is true. Secondly, smart men like making money, especially with women if possible. Women rule America and the rest of the world as well because women, where ever they are anywhere in the world, are BEAUTIFUL! Order a shirt for him also to just smarten him up to the new "ROARING TWENTIES" of the times we live in now. If he is a real man make him pay for his shirt and yours!


Director of Marketing Ed Fowlks



The T-shirt and Sweatshirt being featured here are the "SEND-A-SHIRT.COM" SHIRTS-OF-THE-YEAR 2024!" The T-Shirt and Sweatshirt featured are being seen everywhere these days as the Summer Fashion Season is in Full Swing, it is the T-shirt that is currently most popular.

The Summer T-shirt Season is here! The weather is warmer everywhere. 2024 has burst out all over the place. It is more exciting to wear a T-shirt as you head out now.


This a great way to send a belated Happy Birthday or Mothers Day gift to someone you may have forgotten or someone who you just love. Someone like a Mother, Daughter, or Sister! It can also be a beautiful Back-To-School gift!

We predict that the year 2024 will be remembered as, "THE YEAR OF THE WOMAN!" So join the Movement for Respecting Women's Beauty and Brains by ordering your Sweatshirt or T-shirt today and don't forget about your friends and order them a Sweatshirt or T-shirt for them also. They will probably be glad to pay you for it themselves. You can wear these shirts year around. Buy a Sweatshirt and T-shirt to help wake up other women who are neglecting commanding their Rightful Respect!


Ladies, it's a great time to see and be seen! Actually women do Rule the world and it's time that women "DEMONSTRATE" it! Women must be willing to protest to make their point with feminine power, not violence. In this case simple but powerful words worn on a Sweatshirt or T-shirt will make your position visible this Summer and Fall. Be brave enough to proudly wear the words, "WOMEN RULE" on a Sweatshirt or T-shirt and may God protect us all. Bless men everywhere who will want to see the "Women Rule Shirt Show, all around them.


"Make your 2024 more prosperous for you by selling "Women Rule Shirts to your friends while supplies last."


Why Women Rule Products?

Remember, men are the minority in this world when compared to women, so women can win in any competitive arena, including politics and elections! Wear a reminder to women and men alike as to who really Rules the Planet and how, the answer is WOMEN of course, BECAUSE WOMEN VOTE! Order T-shirts and Sweatshirts for you and your friends Online and we will deliver the shirts for you. Become a part of the "Women's Respect MOVEMENT". Order your shirt now and wear it, you will help make PROGRESS for all people!